Hampstead Garden
Hampstead Garden
At the heart of the Hampstead Garden bouquet, you'll find a stunning collection of lilac roses. Renowned for their captivating fragrance and exquisite petals, these roses exude an air of romance and sophistication. Each blossom is carefully hand-picked to ensure only the finest quality blooms make their way into this extraordinary bouquet.
To complement the radiant roses, our expert florists have skill-fully selected an array of luxury foliage. These lush greens add depth, texture, and a touch of opulence to the arrangement, accentuating the beauty of the lilac flowers and creating a harmonious blend of colours and shapes.
The Hampstead Garden bouquet is a true work of art, designed to evoke a sense of serenity and natural splendor . Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone's day, this bouquet is a perfect choice. Its timeless appeal and graceful arrangement make it an ideal gift for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, or any heartfelt gesture.
Each Hampstead Garden bouquet is meticulously handcrafted with love and care. Our dedicated florists pay attention to every detail, ensuring that each stem is perfectly arranged to create a visually stunning composition. The bouquet is elegantly wrapped in premium packaging, adding an extra touch of sophistication and making it ready for gifting or display.
Bring the beauty of the garden into your home or surprise someone dear with the captivating allure of Hampstead Garden. Allow the lilac roses and luxury foliage to fill the air with their delightful fragrance, transforming any space into a tranquil oasis. Experience the joy and wonder of nature's finest blooms with this exceptional bouquet that celebrates the everlasting charm of flowers.
Care & Maintenance
Floral varieties and colour ways may vary due to seasonal availability. A couple of tips to increase longevity of your flowers e.g
- On receiving your flowers, be sure to trim their stems (2cm) on a 45-degree angle prior to placing them in their vase
- Flowers consume a lot of water, It is important to ensure they always have two thirds of the vase full.
- As flowers are susceptible to bacterial build up, please change their water every two days and fresh cut their stems
- Use sharp scissors when trimming the stems to avoid damaging the tissue / cells at the base.
- By keeping your flowers out of direct sunlight and heat, you will be ensuring their longevity, as they will mature quickly when exposed to heat and light.